John Bechtel, B2B Writer: When Content Matters

“When results are mission critical, inspired writing is no longer a commodity.”

It’s about time.

Humans typically become more conservative with their risk taking as the time left to them shrinks. But what is the value of unfulfulled promise, the potential we left wasted on the table of life if we fear to try? How good could we really have been, if we could have taken our foot off the brakes?

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A conversation between a writer and a scientist at Puerto Limón Hostel about sunsets, malaria, and buzzwords

They want their travel writer to do more research, work harder to find something new, or an innovative perception of the traditional. Dare I say it, maybe less sunsets, or at least only those sunsets so rare they are profoundly difficult to describe, and then they expect you, the travel writer, to find the words to match the challenge.

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Thanksgiving, smiles, springtime, and where to have sex in Buenos Aires . . .

The Traveler: The traveler has no safety net. At home the familiar and unchanging serve as a safety net. But the traveler needs to be in the zone, and in the flow. Otherwise he can get lost with no one to help him. He can’t bother with worry or fear. So he allows for everything and can know nothing for sure, trusting that in the end things will be as they need to be.

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About Enya in Buenos Aires

Enya, Ana, Ryland and others I have not written about (yet) give me courage and renew the joy of my life every day: their enthusiasm, curiosity, openness, and perhaps most of all, their purposefulness, that they are about something, creating value and meaning beyond eating, drinking, the satisfaction of biological urgings, and banal conversation. The specific direction their lives take really doesn’t matter as much as the fact that they have a direction, one of their choosing, and one that contributes a sense of meaning to their existence.

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Hostel honey bees

One of the things I am enjoying about hostel life is that this place is a beehive of cross-pollination. What is heard here is unfiltered by teams of experts who determine what the public should or shouldn’t hear, or the politically correct interpretation that should be given to events or ideas under discussion.

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Traveling Safely in a Hostel World

Very few here are drifters; everyone seems to be on the way to somewhere else. Every day I learn a few more words and phrases in Spanish and my mistakes are greeted with good-natured laughter. I am starting to unwind and relax my North American grip. I am learning to exhale. It’s a beginning. I am privileged to be a guest in the lives of these, my new friends.

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