Services and Price Schedule


Prices quoted are a la carte and are guidelines only. Prices specific to your needs are quoted in writing, and I require a 50% non-refundable deposit before commencing work. I provide substantial discounts for bundles of work, regularly recurring work, and long-term agreements, because these permit me to spend less time marketing me and more time marketing you.


Websites (the heart of it all)

1. Website audit: A 35-point page-by-page review of your website compared with industry best practices, in the following main categories:

A. Site Identity

B. Company Information

C. Content Strength

D. Links

E. Navigation

F. Graphics and Animation

G. Graphic Design

H. SEO essentials

A formal quote is provided, and upon acceptance, a questionnaire detailing your marketing and sales goals is sent to you. Allow three weeks for completion of the written website review and recommendations.                  $1,200 – $2,500+


2. Planning website content                                      

Helping client plan content for 10-15 page website. (Project deliverable is a suggested website outline and general content structure.)         $750 – $1,250


 3. Website copy                                                              $300 – $750 per page

  • Email newsletter article (500-750 words)                 $750 – $1,000
  • Blog ghostwriting                                                          $250 – $500 per post
  • Executive Bio                                                                  $250 – $500 each


 4. Customer case study (800-1200 words)                    $1,500 – $2,000

  • and up to one hour of interviews)



Other Stuff

 5. Press release                                                              $350 – $750

 6. Brochure copy                                                            $500 – $750 per page or panel

7. Data sheet or 2-slided slick                                     $500 – $750 per page or panel

 8. White papers (5-10 pages)                                       $6,000 – $8,000

9. Byline article (800 – 2,000 words)                          $1,500 – $4,000

(Includes one phone interview & light research)


 9. Ghostwriting non-fiction books                                 $1.00/word as measured by MS Word

A special note about ghostwriting:  Rarely does a client have a grasp of the enormity of the collaboration necessary to successfully ghostwrite a book, not to mention the cost of publishing and distributing it.  My cost for writing an average size book of say 225 pages will be in the range of $75,000 and this does not include any travel expenses. A great deal depends on the amount of research required, which is almost always grossly underestimated by the potential client. This is not their fault; how would anyone know?

A ghostwriting project requires a considerable amount of the client’s time during writing, or the finished product will not be in his/her voice.  It is very common for the client to get busy with other things during the writing and be unable to dedicate the time needed to finish the project as intended and scheduled.

It also requires a leap of faith for the client to keep writing checks and still be waiting for pages to come off the printer.  This is not a project for the impatient, undercapitalized or faint of heart.  To see it through to successful completion however, is often the achievement of a lifetime, or certainly a capstone.

To ghostwrite a serious book can take anywhere from six months of intense collaboration to three years. I generally match the rate of production to the payment schedule, but clients risk discouragement with extended projects.

As you might imagine, it is imperative that before beginning such a project the ghostwriter and client determine that they like each other and have strong compatibilities. It can be an intense experience.

I write this, not wanting to discourage anyone, but because I know everyone has a book inside of them waiting to get out.


10. Public speaking (please contact John Bechtel here)

"Whatever It Takes Entrepreneurship"

by John Bechtel